Friday 15 April 2011

Tilly the bedlington whippet cross lurcher

" mmm..I'd really like to get at that wood pigeon."

PRE-head-hair-cut, not looking forward to it.

Wood chewer!..but at least i can see better now.

ave a scratch!


  1. Hi Alan,
    She's a lovely looking bitch, stockier than my Willow but then Willow is 1/4 bedlington & 3/4 whippet. Great pictures, Willow just won't stand for the camera.....

  2. gorgeous! I have enjoyed watching her growing up.Tilly's fan club is growing, keep up the photos, I love them.

  3. Thanx Kath and John for your comments.
    I can't help thinking though that you two are the only ones that look at my BLOG! LOL! Maybe there is others that look that don't comment..I'll have to check my statcounter, tee-hee.
    al n till

  4. Hi Al,
    Write and they will come (sure that was a quote of something..)
    Are you doing any shows anywhere this neck of the woods my man, North West England, North/Mid Wales or even the Midlands this year? It would be good to meet up at one and to see if you can take a decent picture of Willow (something that I fail at all the time)

  5. Glad I'm not the only one to call my dog a Whiplington :-) Tilly is gorgeous - as are all of her type. I have an 11 year old Whiplington bitch and I wouldn't be without her. Your photos do her great justice by the way :-)


    Love the pics mate, Tilly is such a gorgeous little girl. It was nice to see you again the other week and to give Tilly some cuddles.

  7. Tilly is lovely. I've enjoyed browsing through the photos of her - thanks for sharing them. We have a two year old 'whiplington' bitch called Pye. She is the most fantastic, plucky, speedy dog - the scourge of squirrels in the local woods - but then the princess of pillows when relaxing at home!

  8. Pye sounds like typical 'Whiplington'!

  9. Hello

    We have 11 week old Monty (from Herefordshire) a Bedlington/whippet cross - I'll go for the Whiplington name from now on. I was glad to see what he may look like and will follow Tilly for tips.
    All best wishes,
    Margaret, Oxford

  10. Sounds good margaret!
    al n till
