Wednesday 27 October 2010

Till and I in the conservatory

The only way to stop her nibbling is to grab hold of Tilly and not let her head wriggle under her t-shirt!


  1. hee hee....
    You'll have to tie the t-shirt up so it fits more snuggly :D

  2. its ok now, it seems to be tighter now, thanks kath. x

  3. Hi Alan
    my name is Phil from Stoke-On-Trent
    and have kept lurchers all my life as pets only I have been following the progress of tily she looks a cracking dog so much so I had one myself he is 12 weeks old now and looks like tily did at that age we call him Denzil Whiplington the bone collector Jak for short I was hoping that pehapps you could paint or draw him for us I could send you some photos then my be you could give me a price by the way he is a nightmare but he is one of us now
    Kind regards

  4. PHIL,
    Thats a great name (denzil whiplington!)
    I do draw and paint dog pictures indeed.
    Have a look at my dog page on my main website for prices and samples. If you want anymore details please contact me. I'd love to see some photos whatever.
