Sunday 31 October 2010

Harvey the West highland terrier

'Harvey' - Tilly's evening walking companion, pictured on the Boscombe overcliff.
His hobbies are chasing people on skate boards at full pelt, sniffing out 'Reynard' and asking alan for treats. When Peter has him groomed he resembles a pure white little pedigree, but within no time at all will be slightly off white and giving it 'attitude'...Good old Harvey!
(Tilly says sorry she used to jump on you all the time! she is below being a 'beach hoover'!)


  1. aww harvey is cute!
    flynt now has a selection of friends he encounters on his walks and is even brave enough to play with them

  2. Get a gallery up of them on yer blog mate! lol

  3. Harvey sounds like a proper little terrier! We encountered 2 massive white standard poodles here this morning, my two were agog!
