Tuesday 19 October 2010

A walk on Hegistbury Head

Thought I'd take Tilly on a nice walk over Hengistbury head today, as a treat as tommorrow could be a bit traumatic as she is off to the vets to be spayed.
Its for the best, generally speaking, however nice it would be to have pups. I think that unless I planned on keeping one, it wasn't really worth the hassle...and the mess. I'm not really geared up for it to be honest! Must get on now quite busy with work and stuff. Caricatured portraits, making greeting cards, finishing two canvasses and a black labrador portrait to do, plus getting stuff ready for the Christmas shows...and both my dad and sister have hip ops in the coming weeks and oh yes I'm waiting having root canal treatment..not enjoying the pain at present!...Oh well, These things are sent to try us.


Its 'hoover time'

BRRRRRR...thats cold!

Does my bum look big in this?

So thats Bournemouth bay...


  1. What fun! we took ours down to Berrow beach a couple of weeks back. I think you are very wise to have her speyed. I had both ours done, theres nothing worse than sneaking around when they're in season, trying to avoid other dogs.Also, it lessens the chance of mammary tumours later in life and completely eliminates the danger of a pyometra (can you tell I was a vet nurse LOL).
    The only problem is keeping them quiet after the "op" I had to practically tie mine down to stop them chasing up the stairs :o

  2. Don't,...I know what you mean. Hopefully wont be too bad!

  3. I meant to say, I loved the 2 little films, particularly the first one.
    Someone told me Bedlingtons were great diggers. We have many of those films too, either madly digging a hole and running off or doing a famous whiplington "fly by" :D
