Friday 11 June 2010

Wimborne folk festival 2010

These are some of the photos Siouxsie took at this weekend of me caricaturing, in front of the 'Allendale centre at Wimborne Folk Festival' which was terrific and was most enjoyable. Hello! to all of you that came along and had a caricature drawn or bought a print, card or tile. Thanx!


  1. Yo! More photos (including Tizz's pass-out story) at

    Thanks for the mention - delighted you like the pics and only to happy to help.

    Stay well an happy

    Siousie x

  2. Hello Al, I have just been sent over from Solstice dreamer to meet Tilly! I have 2 rescued Beddie lurchrs myself, who were already full grown when they came to us, so I am loving Tilly's puppy pics!
    Blessings, Kath
