Friday 10 April 2009

...getting there.

This is the artwork that will be inserted in the fridge door!...
The build goes on. As you can see, DOGS are not getting involved!
Photos taken here at various stages so far. Basically the marine wood cabinets and bedbase are cut by Keith using a hand saw and jig saw with me hovering around him, getting in the way, or I like to think I'm here in a consultancy capacity!
Starting off with those little triangular things to hold pieces of wood together we then went onto 1 by 1 timber which pulled the corners together tighter.
I have been more involved this week with my sanding and varnishing skills (don't laugh!).
Next week its cutting the doors out in the bedbase and then its the big assemby job, fitting all the water pipes and gas etc.
Watch this space!

Yes, and I'm not sure what's happening to poor Jod's legs. I think she might be getting a bit of arthritis.

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