Monday 30 June 2008

Studland Photography Trip

PHEW! Given the fact that I gave Glastonbury a miss this year, this monday morning I was able to cycle from here in my Boscombe home to Middle Beach, Studland, near Swanage. (instead of being in a 9 hour queue to get out of Glasto like I did one year, this was much more relaxing! )
It really is beautiful over on the Purbecks. Sometimes I wonder why people prefer to go abroad when there is such nice countryside in the UK.
Anyway... I cycled down to Boscombe Pier and then around the Bay along the prom via B'mth Pier, along to Sandbanks Peninsula.
(You know, the 3rd most expensive real estate in the world!) There certainly are some impressive properties overlooking the sea and Poole harbour, old and new style. I hopped onto the Sandbanks floating bridge and was on my way through the dunes to Studland. I 've just had this urge to have a go at doing a painting based on a particular view, I've always liked. Anyway the view did live up to my memory of it. I hope I've done it justice in my naive style.
I took a selection of bracketed photos, ate my cheese bagette, had a paddle and headed home. The return cycle was a lot easier as the wind was behind me.
Heres the route and some pics. (I must do this more often! - My advice to others is get out on yer bike at every spare opportunity, weather permitting) cheers al

1 comment:

  1. oh Al your blog is looking really good!
    i have to say i do miss living so close to the sea, especially studland and swanage!
    thinking i'd like to squeeze in a trip to Acton Farm this summer!
