Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Tilly meets her match

This looks fierce, but they were only playing!..HONESTLY!
-see the video below.

NOTE, difference in head size!

Tired now...

VERY tired!

Hey!! whys my head not as big as yours!??

Tilly meets her the form of 'Tinder', a Deerhound lurcher at the Chilterns show.
They played together for ages, and it was amazing hour gentle Tinder was for such a big dog, (but you wouldn't want to get in her way when she is running though,...full pelt, its best to hide behind someone when they are coming at you!

PARHAM park next!


Kath said...

Fab photos! I had to double-take, I thought that was my dog!

al hayball said...

i see what you mean!
nice dragon tatoo by the way.

Jude said...

Lovely pics I too have recently become the owner of a whiplington bitch name Lola she and Tilly look just the same, my puppy is 4 months old and after not having a dog for a few years it takes some getting used to, but she is lovely, any tips on her upbringing from your own experience with Tilly.

al hayball said...

rther than me give you advice here, which is endless with whiplingtons..the easiest thing to do is to go on facebook and become a friend, of 'Matilda Whiplington'...and you will see all her siblings and loads of advice, Good lick Jude!