Tuesday 26 August 2014

Saturday 21 June 2014

Old footage turns up on youtube!

FOUND IT AT LAST! Me broom-balancing on the TV!
(watch it all the way through)
Here's an interesting video of behind the scenes on Nationwide from a regional point of view in 1981.

Monday 7 April 2014

Alan 'Hoppity' Hayball...the Broom Balancing years!

Back in the day when I was 'world champion' broom balancer!
Does anybody remember seeing me on 'Day by Day'  ITV southern news prog or on 'great british eccentrics' - on 'Nationwide- BBC' I was balancing a broom standing on two househod bricks in Southampton studio with one eye on Tv monitor, speaking to Sue Lawley in London. If anyone has footage...all the better! Trouble is, few people had video recorders 33 years ago!

Thursday 27 March 2014

West Country Game fair at Shepton Mallet

Good to see everyone that came and saw me at the weekend at the game fair...Nice comments about my work were much appreciated by myself ( and Tilly! ) - A good time was had by all!

Monday 10 March 2014

Coasters and Tablemats

At last! I've finally got around to putting my 'Coasters and Tablemats' up onto my website! have a look if you like, and share the news! cheers al tablemats and coasters

'Smile' bedlington x whippet teatowel

I appreciate you sharing this post...CHEERS!
A Whiplington Teatowel looks good, even in my Kitchen! Order one now! You know you're worth it. 

The Hound

Please 'share' if you can!
A series of lurcher graphite illustrations by al hayball available as limited-edition prints, printed on watercolour paper and mounted, at an affordable price
the hound

West Highland Cow

Here's a lovely hairy cow, latest artwork by my friend Alan Hayball 
Latest Artwork drawn in Pencil Graphite. West Highland cow,
'Ringo'  Farmlife page

Monday 10 February 2014


NEW! Placemats coming soon... — with Al Hayball.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Watching Vixen

An Urban fox I found sat on the compost heap in my
garden.Looking into her eyes, I imagine she is thinking:

'Leave me in peace, I am resting.
Its daytime and I have a long night ahead of me,
I am cold and trying to warm myself through the compost heap and the rays of the weak winter sun.
Tonight I shall have to work hard to find food, to get me through the night,
Whether it be discarded takeaways, berries, worms or even a mouse, it'll be a scavenge.
Please leave me in peace, I can't help being a fox.'

(A countryside fox lives over 12 years ...an urban fox survives for only 2-3years.) - al hayball ©2014
Link to Forest Life al's website